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Monkey Tips

Alberto Edwards

Monkey attack.JPG

Two Students Encountering a Monkey

Monkeys are a normal part of living in Mcleod Ganj. For the most part, monkeys have a harmonious relationship with humans. That said, travelers should take note and follow proper monkey etiquette to avoid unsavory encounters.


1. Do not engage with them:

Don’t pet or approach the cute monkeys, even the babies. They are wild animals and can sometimes carry rabies. 

2. Avoid eye contact: 

Monkeys read eye contact as a direct threat. If you look them in the eye, they may become aggressive and even attack. This is not fun for monkeys or humans.

3. Do not smile or show your teeth: 

In the animal world, this is perceived as a threat. 

4. Do not feed them: 

Most monkeys are well-fed and do not need more food. By feeding them, you may accustom them to humans. This could put the monkeys at risk in the future if they become dependent on humans for food.

5. Lock your windows and doors: 

Monkeys have been known to sneak into rooms, so be aware.

6. Do not leave food out:

Monkeys will find it and eat it.

7. Carry a stick:

If monkeys start to hassle you, waving a stick at them usually scares them away. The same is true for waving your arms around. Keep in mind, this is just if the monkeys initiate an encounter. Don’t harass the monkeys.

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