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The Tibetan studies program takes place in Northern India and is based in Dharamsala. Dharamsala is home to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. During the four-month program, students learn from and about the Tibetan Community in exile. They are placed in a unique cross-cultural setting where they gain a deep understanding of what it means to be a Tibetan refugee in a time of immense globalization. Earlham partners with the Institute for Buddhist Dialectics (IBD) to offer this unique experience. IBD is located in McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala. Students take classes at the College for Higher Tibetan Studies at Sarah, a branch of IBD, as well as on the main IBD campus. While studying at Sarah College, students are paired with Tibetan roommates and while on the main IBD campus they stay with host families who live in McLeod Ganj. They take a number of classes which serve to further their understanding of life as a Tibetan refugee. During the four months in Dharamsala, students attend many cultural and religious celebrations and holidays. They also go on many excursions to explore the surrounding area. At the end of the program students volunteer at an organization in town and conduct research on a chosen topic regarding the Tibetan community. Students will return with an expanded worldview along with a deeper knowledge of Buddhism and issues surrounding the Tibetan Community. They will also return with an increased ability to self motivate and increased time management skills.

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